XMod Pro Module Kit - jCarousel: Versatile Content Slider / Scroller
As an example kit to show off the flexibility of XMod Pro templates when creating module items for DotNetNuke like a featured content rotator / slider, we have put together an example using our example data set and a popularjQuery Content Slider,
jCarousel from sorgalla.com.
Module Description: This is a great item to use as a basis for showing off featured articles, pages, detail items, newest text/entries slideshow, etc. More than just an image gallery, it is intended to showcase featured content in a compact area. In this example setup, items marked as Featured in the database are shown in the slider.
Uses: It can be used to show it's own data, or it can be used to show the newest articles from an article module, newest blog posts, business listings, etc. from any existing module records. Use this as a base code to create your own customized module or use it as a resource for tips and tricks for building your own XMod Pro solution!
- featured articles slider module
- newest articles rotator module
- most popular articles module
- news / updates module
- featured calendar events module
- content / image slideshow
- content / image slider
- FAQ / knowledgebase rotator module
XMod Pro Module Kits: Notes & Instructions
- XMod Pro demos and XMod Pro Module Kits are free for everyone to use! We have developed them to help share popular items and to help train users in the features and functionality of XMod Pro for creating custom module solutions for DotNetNuke!
- This module utilizes code and files from the jQuery scrolling plugin jCarousel from "Riding carousels with jQuery" on www.sorgalla.com.
- To use this XMod Pro demo, simply download the Module Kit from the DNNDev Downloads section. Once you've downloaded the file, install it as you would any DNN module. Next, add the kit module to a page. Finally, click the module's "Finish Installation" button to complete the process. The result will be an XMod Pro module instance, configured to use the kits forms, templates, and feeds as needed.
- Images such as the arrow, and frame image can be customized and replaced with your own images.
- There are several themes/styles available by default with jCarousel, and it is easy to style/customize your own with CSS.
- You can place multiple sliders on the same page.
- Customization options/features include speed, scrolling group size, loop/paging and more.
- For demo purposes, initial templates are set to reference the sample images stored on the DNNDev site. When ready to use, follow instructions in the code and edit the code (and feed) files to reference your DotNetNuke instance
- The jQuery involved is compatible with all modern web browsers and with jQuery versions 1.6.4+.
- This XMod Pro Module Kit features an XMP Template for layout and XMP Form for editing the items