



  • Configuration is set by data attributes
  • data-edit-column="Tee" ~ Makes the tee column editable.Change "Tee" to "Score 1" and the score 1 column becomes editable.
  • data-add-input = "true" ~ If we want the script to automaticallly add the input leave this as true. False will prevent the script from creating the inputs in the table cells.
  • data-hidden-data-selector=".hidden-field" ~ Change ".hidden-field" to whataver input selector you want to fill. In this case we want an input with class="hidden-field"
  • data-submit-selector=".btn-submit-form" ~ selector of the button that will submit the form.
Last Name First Name Division Tee Tee Time Tee Spot Score 1 Score 2 Score Total Points Place Flight
Alexander Tom 2 1 10.04 83 87 170 30 23 B
Amos Charles 2 1 10.36 1 82 82 164 130 13 B
Bafundo Don 2 1 9.16 92 103 195 5 31
Baxley Errol 2 1 11.24 1 78 88 166 95 18 A
Black Harry 1 1 12.12 1 75 83 158 175 10 A
