
Infinity Email Signature Template

Edit Your Signature Here


870 Cleveland St, Suite 1D
Greenville, SC 29601
T   864.235.1700 x125
C   864.616.1471
F   864.235.3100
[email protected]

Facebook  LinkedIn



How To Copy & Use This Signature

Outlook 2007/2010

  1. Click the name, position, phone numbers, email address, Facebook, and LinkedIn icons to add your personal information. You must click OK or Cancel after each item is edited
  2. Highlight and Copy the signature from this web page
  3. Open Outlook
  4. (For Outlook 2010 first select File, then) Browse to Tools > Options through the menu.
  5. Select the Mail Format tab. Ensure that your Mail Format is set to HTML by using the drop-down box.
  6. Click the Signatures.. button.
  7. Select New.. and name your new signature.
  8. Paste your signature in the text field
  9. Modify the Name, email, etc as necessary
  10. Click on the Facebook and LinkedIn icons then click the hyperlink icon to the far right
  11. Edit your Facebook and LinkedIn links individually then click OK
  12. Click OK on the Signatures Page and then again on the Options Page
  13. You're done!

Note: If you do not want your cell phone number to be displayed, delete it after you paste it into your email program


For more information on how to configure other email applications, please click here for further instructions and help.